Thursday, April 24, 2008


Ok...I'm feeling better about the whole preschool thing....and Trent is totally ready! We had to pay his enrollment fees by the 30th, so instead of mailing them we took them to the school. The preschool director happened to be in the office and asked Trent if he would like to come see the school. Of course he was over the moon!

When we got to his class they were reading a book so we sat in the circle with them. Then they did their morning routine of the Pledge of Allegiance, singing of "God Bless America", the day of the week, the month and date, etc. Then it was free play time. Trent was instantly surrounded by girls....six of them. :) I had kids pulling me in all was fun! After free play we all went outside. All of the preschool classes were out there so there were kids EVERYWHERE. One girl pulled me away to play ball with her, another boy wanted me to play soccer and one girl was content just trying to beat me up and push me up against a wall. Next was lunch, but that's when we decided to leave. We did hang around long enough to see them say their blessing before eating...I was impressed! Makes having to pay for school seem so much better! Trent really didn't want to leave, but they said we could come back another day and bring lunch so we can stay all day. Trent wants to go tomorrow...ha!

I felt so much better about where Trent is now and where he needs to be by the time he goes to school....he is totally normal. Imagine that! :) We may work a little more with numbers and letters, but everything else seems to be right on. And I had to remember that these kids were getting ready to start Kindergarten in the fall, so it made me feel even better to see him jump right in and participate just like he was part of the class. His teacher was really nice and thrilled to see him so excited!

The cool thing happened as I was leaving: they offered to let me sub for the pre-K department! I really wasn't expecting all, but I HAD been hoping that I could find some extra work in the fall. I've got to go back and pick up the paperwork, but it will be nice to be right there on campus with him! I used to work in their daycare when I was in high school and the pre-K director remembered working with me. I'm not sure what types of certification I'll need, but from what they said I should be fine! Yay!

So it has been a fun day! And I think I'll be less nervous when August rolls around....until those girls start chasing Trent again. :)

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