Monday, May 26, 2008

Workin' at the Carwash.

Saturday was Trent's day. I knew it would be my last free Saturday for awhile, so I asked him what he wanted to do. First he said he wanted to eat lunch we did. Then he said he wanted to wash my we did. He was the perfect example of a diligent worker. Everytime he dropped the sponge in the mud he would pick it up and continue working. And while he went to brag to G about his accomplishments....I drove to the nearest carwash and paid $7 to wash the mud off. But as long as he was happy and doing what he wanted to do...I was happy. :) And now I have a super-clean car....inside and out!

1 comment:

S, E, or O said...

I want a helper like that!

Oh wait! I have two already. Hum! Wish they could get my old van that shiney, though.

Good job, Trent!